Sunday, May 9, 2010


Hello, just celebrated Mother's Day today. Went to a five star Classie restaurant at the Kuala Lumpur Royal Lake Club. It was better there 2 months ago (just changed the damn management) The food varieties were cut down by more than half and the prices were all DOUBLED.
I got to wear my dads coat. (it's more comfortable to wear than u think guys) and the new management made it compulsarry for the coustomers to be 16+ and wear a coat and tie (CRAP had no tie and i'm just 14) sooo my aunt went arround talking big while slipping some bills into the waiters pocket.
I got in but they gave me a tie. SMELLED LIKE SHIT incase you were wondering. Had to wear the shit tie through out. I knew i wasn't the only person who noticed the smell issues. The couple next to our table kept starring at me. (i think they didn't enjoy their evening)
When my uncle got the bill..... well he said "let us all go downstairs for the desserts huh?" cause just for a single banana truffle costs nearly RM50. It cost just RM15 downstairs.
And thats how i celebrated my Mother's Day.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Hello.... dah lama since i last did this so i felt like doin this again just for funnn. I went to Cambodia about 1 month ago. Its like the crappier Malaysia. There are people stealing ancient statues of sacred gods especially the heads because the bodies are just too bulky
(HaHa.. sometimes u just have 2 laugh at stupid things that Cambodian people do). Anywayz.. theres still just nothin much to do here (Malaysia). The things you see today are still gonna be there next year... Just small miniscule changes only. well i'm done. bye-bye....................

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Whatup all, dah lama i didn't update this dahiki thing. So since this is the holidayz n nothin betta ta do so... i finally decided to hey u know update. I'm gona tell u what i did last week. Here goes... last week, i; HEY, wouldn't it be better if i did it in point form huh? yeh i think it's better. BRACE UR-SELVES






6. SATURDAY = Aaaaaaa... (well i kinda forgot)


Now u know that... don't u just think my life during tha school holidayz are very interesting
! ! ! E!X!T!R!E!M!E!L!Y ! ! ! I!N!T!E!R!E!S!T!I!N!G ! ! !
Anyway, the holidays are great until u start school of course. Get to relax from all the crap u learnt all year-round. Unfortunately, it only lasts for about more or less 6 weeks to 7 weeks tops.
That's all i have for now.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Tha dude

This my other people is my friend "ZACHARY". You might know him from the doomed and horrible place i like to call school. He has many problems. He faces daily basis visits from the accursed doomsender. Itulah saya (no image(apologies)). Anyway... as u c from the image above, he is clearly a dish from Jakarta

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

This is zachary's pet dog/father

Sunday, May 31, 2009

One Of a Kind

This my fellow people is my dimwitted , unreliable, incompetent and self-centered fool in my life. He will be the very last person that I'll go to if I'm having in trouble in life. He is the kind of person that if u were to jump off a 100-story building, he will Cheer you to jump. If u don't jump, he'll run up the stairs just to push you off and splatter on the side-walk. He will then pick up your decapitated head and fry it while laughing like the one and only Tan Yu Yan.